First Baptist Church
302 S. 7th St.
Nebraska City, NE 68410
Sunday Schedule
Sunday School 9:15 am
Worship Service 10:30 am
Prayer Meeting 6:00 pm
Youth Group 6:00 pm
Bulletin September 24th

Our History
First Baptist Church was founded in 1855! Through the years (centuries now!) God has been faithful. He has always provided a shepherd to lead the flock (Pastor Hunt is the 37th pastor!). God has always provided financially for the work of the ministry and the support of missionaries at home and overseas. Since 1948, our church has been in fellowship with the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches.
Our Core Values:
Our Church has been around a long time, but our core values remain the same. At the top of the list, is the importance of the Word of God. You can read all of our core values here.
Our Doctrinal Statement:
Since God has revealed Himself in His Holy Word, we have the wonderful privilege of studying His Word together. His word communicates to us everything that we need for living a productive Christian life. You can read our entire statement of faith here.
Our Pastor:
Church Location & Address: 302 S. 7th St. Nebraska City, NE 68410 (map)
Telephone: 402-873-3726